segunda-feira, 6 de junho de 2011

Remember us!

The holy family ?

On election's period I decided to create figures from the good portuguese people!

Bare in mind that the velvet couch where the old man is seated is crumbling into pieces and the son being the younger  seems hopelessly lost and doesn't even have shoes anymore! The mother, of course, reflects the well spirited portuguese women, always ready to go to battle with a smile on her face!

All the winter clothing represent all the apparent drama that we are about to dive in...

Thus I also pay homage to my antcestor Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro from which I took the idea of caricature my kinsmen!

All these 3 figures are on sale at Galeria de Arte Popular @ Calçada da Graça 10 A / B Lisbon, Portugal, Europe, Planet Earth, Milky W|ay (


I started this doll with the idea of making a series on cinema movie stars but dressed in epoch dresses from famous films.
As time went by, started to give up the idea and having already the Audrey Hepburn's face made started the dress in view of reproducing hers on "My Fair Lady" but yet again I'm no photocopy machine and the final dress  is something between  1890's and 1910.